New JOMESA PSE system for element analysis with SEM-EDX


CleanControlling is pioneering the use of the new JOMESA PSE system with SEM-EDX for elemental analysis of inorganic particles and is actively involved in the further development of JOMESA with the definition of standards for the identification of particulate materials.

In conjunction with the JOMESA optical microscope, the JOMESA PSE provides a fast and cost-effective way of directly supplementing standard analyzes with the further material determination of relevant particles. Based on the results of the optical analysis, the elemental analysis for material determination can be carried out, e.g. of limit-crossing particles. The two microscope systems use a common database, so the coordinates of the relevant particles can be taken directly from the data of the optical analysis for the material analysis.

SEM/EDX analysis using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy resolved X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) - Measurement, counting and element analysis of inorganic particles

SEM/EDX analysis for measurement, counting and element analysis of inorganic particles